12 research outputs found

    Life project, peer counselling and self-help groups as tools to expand capabilities, agency and human rights

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    Abstract The aim of this article is to present the life project as a relevant and comprehensive tool towards expanding capabilities, agency and enforcing human rights for persons with disabilities. The first part analyses the theoretical elements common to the frameworks of the capability approach and the human rights perspectives, which are omnipresent at the implementation level in tools such as the life project, peer counselling and self-help groups. In the second part of the article, the relevance and the limits of the life project, peer counselling and self-help groups are examined

    Diritti umani e soggetti vulnerabili. Violazioni, trasformazioni, aporie

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    Il volume intende indagare percorsi sviluppati su argomenti decisivi del dibattito filosofico-giuridico contemporaneo: la società multiculturale e i problemi dell'integrazione; l'articolarsi della differenza e le molteplici configurazioni della discriminazione; le inedite forme della schiavitù; le concezioni dell'eguaglianza, dell'autonomia e della solidarietà nei contesti dello Stato di diritto costituzionale e in quello della società cosiddetta "globale"; i controversi rapporti tra relativismo e universalismo; nonché l'articolazione di un pensiero normativo che, procedendo per argomenti, si innesta negli spazi, concreti, della vita sociale e istituzionale

    The Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and newborns/children

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    Le fardeau disproportionné des problèmes affectant les personnes en situation de handicap et leurs familles pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

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    La pandémie de Sars-Cov2 a touché de manière disproportionnée les personnes en situation de handicap, les affectant dans l’accès aux droits et dans les soutiens à leur participation. La reconnaissance de la jouissance des droits de l’homme par ces personnes, introduite par la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées n’est souvent pas encore appliquée en Italie. Invisibles aux systèmes d’urgence, malgré les recommandations de la communauté internationale, discriminées et stigmatisées par des associations comme la Société italienne d’anesthésie, d’analgésie, de réanimation et de soins intensifs (SIAART), qui, en présence de ressources limitées pour lutter contre le coronavirus ont proposé, par un triage médical, de ne pas aider les personnes âgées et les personnes ayant des handicaps sévères, fortement frappées par le verrouillage des services qui leur sont dédiés (école inclusive, activités de réadaptation, pénurie de services à domicile), ces personnes ont connu un grand nombre de décès dans les résidences qui auraient dû les protéger, mais ne l’ont pas fait. Pour éviter la récurrence de ces enjeux critiques, la transformation de l’État providence vers des objectifs d’inclusion, d’autonomisation et de pleine participation est proposée, fortement ancrée dans les communautés, à travers la personnalisation des interventions, l’adaptation et le renforcement des capacités, le maintien des personnes dans leur cadre de vie.The Sars-Cov2 pandemic has disproportionately impacted persons with disabilities, affecting them in access to rights and participation support. The acknowledgement of the enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities, introduced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is often not yet applied in Italy. Invisible to emergency systems, despite indications from the international community, discriminated against and stigmatized by associations such as SIAARTI which, in the presence of limited resources to fight against the coronavirus, proposed by medical triage not to help the elderly and persons with severe disabilities, severely affected by the lock down of services dedicated to them (inclusive school, rehabilitation activities, shortage of home services), these persons have seen a large number of deaths in the residences that should have protected them, but did not. To avoid the recurrence of these critical issues, the transformation of the welfare state towards objectives of inclusion, empowerment and full participation is proposed, strongly anchored in the communities, with the personalization of interventions, habilitation and support resilience, home support in one's living environment

    Human rights, UN convention, and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: collecting data on persons with disabilities?

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    This article discusses the approaches to data collection embedded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It will start by briefly exploring different conceptualizations of disability (medical and social models, biopsychosocial, charity and human rights approaches) that impact on what is considered relevant data. The concept of disability has been widely explored by numerous authors in various fields, and the various models and approaches can co-exist. Historically, disability has evolved from being something intrinsic to the person and one-dimensional to reflecting an interaction between the individual and contextual factors. A movement toward the recognition of universal rights for all human beings has accompanied this change

    La discriminazione delle persone con disabilitĂ . Un deficit di cittadinanza

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    Per un manifesto contro la discriminazione. Per un lessico della non discriminazione